Signs You Might be Sensitive

Signs you can be a sensitive personality type (HSP) : If you have a difficult time dealing with negative emotions compared to others or catch yourself ruminating or fabricating anxious thoughts, the s-word might suit you. Additionally, a feeling of unsettlement when you witness any violence or cruelty can also mean that you are sensitive. When there’s tension or disagreement in your close relationships, you feel it deeply. Many HSPs even report feeling physically ill during conflict. As a result, some highly sensitive people become conflict-avoidant, doing or saying almost anything to keep the other person happy. It’s because conflict hurts so much.

Are you a highly sensitive person? Do you know someone in your personal or professional life who may be highly sensitive? High sensitivity can be defined as acute physical, mental, and emotional responses to external (social, environmental) or internal (intra-personal) stimuli. A highly sensitive person may be an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between.

Highly sensitive people tend to be hard on themselves and others. Changing the way you think about a situation can change the way you feel. For example, if your thoughts are focused on how unfair your boss is or how mean your sister is, you’re likely going to continue to feel bad. However, replacing those thoughts with healthier, more balanced thoughts, can help you feel better. Try reminding yourself that everyone makes mistakes and accept the fact that others will hurt your feelings at times.

So, you are super sensitive. So what? That isn’t the end of the world. Being very sensitive to stimuli around you is okay. The 21st century contains more labels than any other century. There is a label for literally everything. Almost as if there was a secret, invisible influencing force, people tend to judge and discriminate based on these futile labels. Unfortunately, Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is a label too. More info on Self Care Tips for Sensitive People.

Being an HSP can have its own advantages. Turn your sensitivity from a weakness into a weapon to help you deal with problems in your life. Being sensitive to everything means that you are better than other people at finding the positive sides of everything. Usher in a sense of optimism to make situations easier for yourself.

Category One: Sensitivity About Oneself. Compares self with others often (in physical, relational, social, work, financial, or other scenarios), and experiences unhappy feelings from negative social comparison.

Category Two: Sensitivity About Others. Alternatively, often discusses negative emotions with others because there’s a lot of “drama” in one’s life.

What is a relationship? If we consider it in a simple language, it is a bond between two people either by blood or choice. Blood relationships are our family members while other relationships count on friends, life partner or lover. For the exceptionally sensitive person, maintaining relationships is not easy or straightforward. More than that, the people who are in a relationship with the ultra sensitive people are faced with unique struggles of their own. Extra info about Relationships for sensitive individuals.

Although highly sensitive people are not necessarily empaths, HSPs tend to “absorb” other people’s emotions, almost like an empath would. It’s not unusual for an HSP to walk into a room and immediately sense the moods of the people in it. That’s because highly sensitive people are very aware of subtleties — including facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice — that others may miss. Pair this with the sensitive person’s naturally high levels of empathy, and it’s no wonder HSPs feel emotions that are not their own. As a result, highly sensitive people tend to suffer from frequent emotional exhaustion.

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