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MK677 (159752-10-0): MK677 is more of a growth hormone and instead of suppressing growth hormones in your body, it adds to it. With the MK677, you can expect a rapid increase in hunger, increased performance and a significant loss of fat. GW-501516 (317318-70-0): No human studies have been performed on this SARM. Research on the effect on rodents has shown that its use has activated many of the same genes as those that are stimulated while running dumbbells or running. Although this does not seem to cause any significant change, the mice that used GW-501516 and who at the same time exercised incredible results. In mice using this drug, combined with four weeks of regular running, it had a 68% increase in running time and a 70% increase in running distance. In addition, their overall musculature doubled.

SARMs, or selective androgen receptor modulators, have been around for a lot longer than most people realize. The first wave of the best SARMs was introduced in the 1940’s by pharmaceutical companies, and was marketed as a way to help treat cancer, osteoporosis, and other diseases. These were known as “steroidal SARMs.” It wasn’t long before researchers discovered that these “steroidal SARMs” had a lot of side effects. Patients would often see huge gains in muscle, of up to 30 pounds within a matter of months. Needless to say, doctors very quickly realized that there were a number of negative side effects as well. Read more info on

Why should you use Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators? Many companies like Bodybuilt Labs encourage people to get past the potential fear and use SARMs. And it’s easy to see why. These things are offering you some amazing benefits. These include decreased fat mass, more bone and muscle mass as well as other great features. These all add up to bring in front some amazing results. Even if a lot of people state that these are meant for athletes, that’s not exactly the case. In fact a lot of people can benefit from them. IF you have muscle wasting disorders, a sense of total weakness, body wasting caused by HIV of Cancer or even burn, sports injuries and so on, you might be able to use Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators without that much of a hassle. Yet you also need to keep in mind the fact that there are many drugs which tend to be really good at keeping you healthy and focused. However, Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators are non aromatized and non-methylated by the body. Many substances can lead to liver problems and sometimes even failure. SARMs don’t do that. They are good even if you are chronically ill, and they do make everything in their power to help you improve your quality of life in ways you would not imagine. Yes, if you want to maintain a great life in the long run, using Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators can definitely help. But it’s a good idea to talk with doctors just to be safe.

Ostarine: This is probably the most well-known S.A.R.M. It is best used to preserve muscle mass while in a caloric deficit. Ostarine can and will suppress your natural testosterone production in longer, higher dosed cycles, so a SERM PCT is needed. Ostarine can also cause gyno in some users, so it is recommended that you have an AI, like Exemestane, on hand. The average cycle length is 6 to 10 weeks at a dosage range of 10mg to 25mg. Read more details at Direct Sarms USA Peptides.

But it’s technically a selective activator that binds to PPARd receptors instead of androgen receptors like a SARM normally would. Despite this difference, Cardarine offers results that are just as impressive as those you’d experience from SARMs because it activates AMPK, which is responsible for stimulating muscle glucose uptake, skeletal muscle tissue, and oxidizing fatty acids (and I don’t want to get lost in the semantic weeds by nitpicking on classification, so I’m going, for the purpose of this article, to continue to refer to Cardarine as a SARM). In addition to burning fat through the stimulation of fatty acid oxidation, GW-501516 can increase HDL cholesterol by an average of 79% while simultaneously decreasing LDL cholesterol. Cardarine was developed in the 1990s as a way to prevent and cure tumors in the breasts, prostate, or colon. By the early 2000s, it was discovered that it can also help stop metabolic disorders including diabetes and obesity. When the fitness community caught wind of GW-501516 benefits, they quickly discovered it is also a potent endurance increasing supplement, and has been used by the athlete community for over 20 years with no reported harmful side effects. Source: Buy pre mixed peptide USA.