Tadoba tiger safari tours

Tadoba national park is an awesome safari place. If you want to observe diversified wildlife, to experience the fabulous smell of the forest, to enjoy in the wild , returning to human land roots. There are plenty of national parks in India, here is some information about them and especially on Tadoba National Park.

Nagarhole is named after the snake river that winds its way. This park is an unaltered desert place, with quiet forests, sprinkling streams and a quiet lake. Nagarhole can be explored by jeep, elephant back, and boat. Visitors can also go trekking. It is not unusual to see herds of elephants on the riverbank. See more info on Tadoba safari.

Established in 1955, Tadoba National Park is the largest and oldest in Maharashtra. Until recent years, it was off the beaten path. However, it quickly gained popularity because of its high density of tigers. Dominated by teak and bamboo, and with a magical landscape of steep cliffs, swamps and lakes, it is full of diverse wildlife and was once favored by shikaras (hunters). Together with the Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary, which was formed in 1986, it forms the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve.

Must have for a Tadoba safari : A quality binocular (8 or 10 x 40/50), perhaps the most important accessory you have to have. Needless to say, you also need a camera, you know that very well. And not necessarily one like the one Alex has, you can aim even higher (and further, a good zoom is a heavenly hand) or you can have a compact, easy-to-carry but that does a good job, so many have appeared. variants lately. If you need help ask us and we will make some recommendations, depending on your needs and abilities! See more info about https://tadoba-national-park-booking.com/.