Piercings safety guides

Tattoos safe recommendations? “It’s very helpful to have an idea of what type of piercing you can see yourself wearing and loving. Using social media is a wonderful way to see options. Instagram has thousands of inspirational images with interesting placements and jewelry options,” Maria advises. So before you schedule an appointment, get an idea of what you’d like, but be prepared to be flexible, as your personal dimensions may not suit your ideal piercing (but we’ll explain more about that later). As well as researching your piercing, check out the piercing parlor and ALWAYS read the reviews. We’d even recommend stopping by for a visit to check out their cleaning standards; don’t be afraid to ask questions! Maria points out “Your piercer should make you feel comfortable and answer all of your questions respectfully before you get pierced.”

Be healthy. Smith advises keeping your body hydrated. A healthy diet is always important but especially after a piercing. Also make sure to avoid additional trauma to the piercing area. As Smith says, “Most irritations occur from bumping, snagging or sleeping on new piercings.” To care for a fresh piercing, wash with soap and water or saline solution—not rubbing alcohol—twice a day. “I find alcohol dries the piercing out,” Smith explains, “If it gets too dry, it cracks and bleeds, causing the wound to remain open. I prefer oil-based soaps for this reason. They clean the wound, but also provide oils to soften up the healing tissue.”

Our equipment is sterilized and the shop is clean and well maintained. This is why you can be sure that the services we offer are safe and hygienic. After your piercing or tattoo, we will show you proper piercing aftercare. We’ll make sure you know how to keep your new piercing clean and protected from any potential infections. Call to make an appointment or visit Living Art Tattoo in Colorado Springs, CO today. Discover additional info at Tattoo shop in Colorado Springs.

8 Top Tattoo Books and Ebooks on The Art of Tattooing! Are you looking to become a tattoo artist? First and foremost the first thing you must do is acquire all the right tattoo knowledge and reference information on tattooing. There are many new books on the subject of how to tattoo and now you can easily get your hands on this vital information. The good news, over the years, all kinds of great tattoo books and tattoo ebooks have come on the market to help new tattoo artists really get a head start on their career. Now, many tattoo artist shun tattoo books. But why? What is wrong with teaching people learning all the fundamental basics of tattooing from manuals, guides, and even tattoo videos?

Preparing the tattoo: Obviously, once you take the right precautions, you can move forward. Your first purchase, after your drawing and sterilization equipment will be a machine. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get one from a custom builder right away, and you really don’t need it just yet. When you’re starting out you’ll be tuning and tearing down your machines, so get something affordable, but reliable to get your through your first few years. You will also want to make sure that you use high-quality tattoo inks. The carbon-based, American made ink is some of the best on the market. Be careful of cheap ink found on eBay and Amazon as these are made overseas with poor ingredients. We’ve seen people have terrifying reactions to them. Also, do keep in mind that some people have irritations and allergies, so these can play a role in the entire experience too.