Chinese residents US immigration lawyers advices

Chinese applicants US immigration lawyers advices
US immigration lawyers guides for chinese residents: Learn the benefits of taking an English proficiency test, such as the IELTS, TOEFL, or Duolingo English test, and then practice to improve your score. Cybercrime is one of the biggest risks that you are likely to encounter in the United States. Make sure that your accounts are safe from hackers. Engineering is one of the most popular STEM fields studied and practiced by immigrants in the U.S. Discover how to find employment through this career field. Then, determine if it is right for you. Before you go on job interviews, learn how to leverage your international education and work experience in the U.S.

Skeptical of the unrealistic promise of immigration lawyers: Good immigration lawyers, like lawyers in other professional fields, rely on solid professional skills to serve their clients. Generally, good immigration lawyers need a lot of case experience and long-term practical experience to ensure their professional level in a certain case. When encountering a case that is not in their own field of practice, a good immigration lawyer will proactively disclose it to the client, or at the request of the client, recommend other high-level lawyers in the relevant field. If you meet an immigration lawyer who is willing to accept your case, he is not familiar with the type of case at all and you must pay more attention to it. Beware of any immigration lawyer who suggests that you do something suspicious: or lie to apply for immigration, give the lawyer extra money to bribe the immigration office, or buy a fake green card from him or her.

Consider how a credential evaluation might help you fulfill your academic and career goals. Read testimonials from immigrants to learn why others are choosing WES. Proofread your application for accuracy and completeness before submitting it. Mistakes can cause delays in completing or sending your report. Include your reference number on all communications and envelopes you send to WES. You can find this in “My Account.” Learn about the required documents to complete your credential evaluation. If required, make sure to send your transcripts in a sealed envelope. If necessary, be sure to send translated documents to WES. Once you apply, download the WES App so that you can access your account from anywhere, anytime. See additional info at

For our chinese guests:

对移民律师不切实际的承诺持怀疑态度: 优秀的移民律师,像其他专业领域的律师一样,依靠扎实的专业技能为客人服务。通常,优秀的移民律师需要大量的案例经验和长期的实践经验,以确保他们在某种案件中的专业水平。遇到不属于自己实践领域的案件时,优秀的移民律师会主动向客户披露,或应客人的要求,推荐相关领域的高级别其他律师。 如果你遇到一位愿意接受你的案件的移民律师,他根本不熟悉案件类型,你必须更加注意它。小心任何建议你做一些可疑事情的移民律师:或说谎申请移民,给律师额外的钱贿赂移民局,或从他或她那里购买假绿卡。

获得美国绿卡的途径: 获得美国绿卡的途径有很多,下面简单介绍8种。 嫁/娶个美国公民: 这是一种最快拿到美国绿卡的方式,这种方式不需要学历和专长。 申请H1B签证再转换成绿卡 美国为了吸引人才,对留学生申请绿卡开辟通道,可以找到一个雇主,然后申请H1B签证,有了h1b签证,接着就可以申请绿卡。不过,如果在H1B签证到期后还没有成功转为绿卡的话,H1B就失效了。请工作绿卡: 工作绿卡分为EB1、EB2、EB3和EB5,其中EB1给杰出人才,目前因为申请人数少没有排期,EB2和EB3的申请条件相对EB1较低,但是有排期(国家利益豁免除外),EB4是神职人员或其他特殊移民,EB5则是给可以在美国创造就业的投资移民。

工作绿卡(Employment Based Green Card),顾名思义给予在美工作人士的绿卡,所以它的获取流程是这样的:获得工作签证在美合法工作(通常是H1-B, L1-A,L1-B) -> 提交工作绿卡申请。工作绿卡分为EB-1,EB-2,EB-3,EB-4和EB-5。其中,EB-5是投资移民,EB-4是给宗教人士和在美军部队服役或美国政府海外机构的工作人员等特殊职业的,EB-1给杰出科研人才的,EB-2给硕士或者博士,或者本科但拥有至少五年相关工作经验的人士的,余下的在美工作人士就归于EB-3了。 在网站上阅读更多信息 绿卡排期表.

O1签证 适合人群: H-1B没有抽中,但是OPT即将到期; J-1即将结束但没有获得J-1豁免,没有合法身份继续留美工作;从不占H-1B名额的非盈利性机构转去占名额的盈利性公司,但是不幸的是当年的H-1B名额已满;H-1B签证快满6年,面临身份过期,但是还没有进行绿卡申请或者I-140申请还在等待审批。这些情况下,O-1签证都是最好的选择,可以帮你走出困境。O1签证 美国境内激活/美国境外激活 申请O-1签证的时候需要在I-129表上选择你想要的生效方式。 美国境内激活:O-1获批之后,你的身份会从你现有的签证身份自动转为O-1。美国境外激活:O-1获批之后不会自动生效,你需要去境外的美国领事馆面签才能拿到O-1签证