Looking the best hangover remedy? Hangovers are typically a three-in-one suckfest that include dehydration, hormone dysfunction, and a run-down immune system, says Dr. Kapil Sachdeva, M.D., neurologist at Northwestern Medicine’s Central DuPage Hospital. As a result, you experience the classic headache, nausea, dizziness, and indigestion that we’ve all become well-acquainted with through the years.
Getting enough sleep. Alcohol can affect the quality of a person’s sleep, so sleeping more may help reduce a hangover. Staying hydrated. Drinking water while drinking alcohol can help counteract the diuretic effects of alcohol to reduce dehydration, which can contribute to headaches and other hangover symptoms. Eating food before drinking. Food can reduce the amount of time it takes for alcohol to enter into the bloodstream, keeping the blood alcohol levels lower. This could reduce the effects of a hangover. The amount of alcohol that causes a hangover will vary from person to person. As a result, determining how much alcohol causes a hangover will involve some trial and error. It can help to be aware of alcohol guidelines set by the government.
Take a pain reliever, but not Tylenol. Aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, other brands), and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may help with the headache and the overall achy feelings. NSAIDs, though, may irritate a stomach already irritated by alcohol. Don’t take acetaminophen (Tylenol). If alcohol is lingering in your system, it may accentuate acetaminophen’s toxic effects on the liver. Read more details at Hangover Drink.
Excessive drinking can throw off the balance of the chemicals in your blood and cause metabolic acidosis, which is characterized by an increase in acidity. It could be associated with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and fatigue. In addition to helping reduce certain hangover symptoms, eating a healthy breakfast can provide important vitamins and minerals, which may become depleted with excessive alcohol intake. Although there is no evidence to show that low blood sugar is a direct cause of hangovers, eating a nutritious, well-balanced and hearty breakfast the morning after drinking may help reduce hangover symptoms.
You’re too smart for that. You just need the right preparation. That’s why we offer the MOST comprehensive hangover kit out there–the one you NEED. While it won’t stop you from getting drunk, it will help you feel better the next day! Check out the science below and go buy yours now. We’ll make it simple: The Sunday Mornings Hangover Helper AKA Sunday Mornings Hero Kit is the kit that gives you REAL options. You can take it in the morning to get fast-acting response for getting back into the game–or you can be doubly prepared with the hydrating drink at night, and the powerful pill in the morning! Find even more information on www.sundaymorninghero.com.