US immigration lawyers strategies for chinese citizens

US immigration lawyers tips for chinese citizens
How to choose the best New York immigration lawyer for chinese US visa citizens: Learn which visas you will need to work or study in the United States. Prepare for the visa lottery. That’s because you will have a short window of time to apply each year. Determine which type of visa you need. For example, students need an F-1 visa, while the most common type of work visa is the H-1B. Consider getting an immigration attorney. They can help you navigate fast-changing immigration policies. Learn about free legal aid for immigrants in the U.S. If you are concerned about how you will fit in, learn what others have experienced as immigrants from various cultural and racial backgrounds.

Immigration law is one of the most complex areas of law. Choosing a good immigration lawyer can have a major impact on your green card application: getting a green card or being forced to leave the United States. A bad immigration lawyer may charge you too much, fail to provide the promised service, or harm your case in a way that you may never recover. If you are looking for an immigration lawyer in New York , you are in luck. New York has many options. Therefore, you should be more cautious, here are a few tips on how to choose an immigration lawyer.

Consider how a credential evaluation might help you fulfill your academic and career goals. Read testimonials from immigrants to learn why others are choosing WES. Proofread your application for accuracy and completeness before submitting it. Mistakes can cause delays in completing or sending your report. Include your reference number on all communications and envelopes you send to WES. You can find this in “My Account.” Learn about the required documents to complete your credential evaluation. If required, make sure to send your transcripts in a sealed envelope. If necessary, be sure to send translated documents to WES. Once you apply, download the WES App so that you can access your account from anywhere, anytime. Read extra information at

For our chinese readers:

虽然大多数优秀的移民律师可能会非常忙碌,但您应该能够与他们及其办公室工作人员交谈,以了解他们对客户的承诺以及他们的整体风度和诚实的印象。在选择代表你的人之前,与几位律师交谈将为你提供一些比较基础,有些律所会提供第一次免费咨询。它将让您有机会“感受”各种律师,以了解他们的个性和工作理念,以确定他们是否适合您。在某些情况下,获得第二意见可能会发现第一位移民律师没有完全理解您的案件或法律,或者试图将您的钱用于做一些不可能或不道德的事情。 移民律师 收费: 收费标准必须合理,最好是可以分步骤来收费。(首先这样可以确保律师认真的做好绿卡申请的每一个环节,而且也能减少部分经济方面的负担) 中国VS外国移民律师


②I-140(外籍劳工移民申请表格)阶段:一旦PERM获得了劳工部的批准(Certify),你的雇主/公司就可以向USCIS提交I-140申请了。数据显示,在2016年初,USCIS一般需要6到8个月左右的时间来完成I-140审批,多给钱申请PP加急处理(Premium Processing)的话可以缩短到15个工作日。需要注意的是,PERM批准后有效期限为180天,I-140必须要在PERM到期之前提出,否则一切又要重头再来。I-140走加急流程的费用是$1225。③I-485(绿卡申请表格)阶段:I-140批准后,你就会得到你的Case的优先日期,英文叫做Priority Date(PD),也就是我们通常所说的绿卡排期。因为中国大陆和印度申请绿卡的人数众多,因此出生地为这两个国家的申请人就需要等待所谓的绿卡排期了。只有当前的绿卡排期轮到了申请人的PD优先日期,才可以提交I-485申请。I-485批准了,绿卡就到手了。2016年的数据显示,I-485的审批时间为8个月左右,但由于在此之前,申请人需要花费数年时间等待绿卡排期,整个申请因此过程变得非常漫长。PD日期通常为你的PERM提交到劳工部的日期,前提是这份PERM被批准了。绿卡申请没有加急处理的途径。 在网站上阅读更多信息 绿卡.

O1签证 适合人群: H-1B没有抽中,但是OPT即将到期; J-1即将结束但没有获得J-1豁免,没有合法身份继续留美工作;从不占H-1B名额的非盈利性机构转去占名额的盈利性公司,但是不幸的是当年的H-1B名额已满;H-1B签证快满6年,面临身份过期,但是还没有进行绿卡申请或者I-140申请还在等待审批。这些情况下,O-1签证都是最好的选择,可以帮你走出困境。O1签证 美国境内激活/美国境外激活 申请O-1签证的时候需要在I-129表上选择你想要的生效方式。 美国境内激活:O-1获批之后,你的身份会从你现有的签证身份自动转为O-1。美国境外激活:O-1获批之后不会自动生效,你需要去境外的美国领事馆面签才能拿到O-1签证