Natural treatment for warts and beauty advices

Natural treatment for hemorrhoids and medical tricks? In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act sharply restricted the FDA’s ability to regulate products marketed as “dietary supplements,” even though most people buy them for health, not nutrition. Manufacturers can sell these products without submitting evidence of their purity, potency, safety, or efficacy. For most claims made on product labels, the law does not require evidence that the claim is accurate or truthful. In fact, the FDA’s first opportunity to weigh in comes only after a product is marketed, when it can take action against products that are adulterated, misbranded, or likely to produce injury or illness. Since nearly all supplements are used without medical supervision or monitoring, most of the estimated 50,000 adverse reactions that occur in the United States each year go unreported. It’s a situation that Harvard’s Dr. Peter Cohen has called “American roulette.”

Your tendency to touch your face is making your pimples worse. It’s tempting in the moment, but it’s never a good idea to play dermatologist, because it’s nearly impossible to pick your own pimple and not make a red mark that could turn into a scar. Even worse, when you try to press the oil plug or pus out of your pore, you run the risk of pushing the bacteria deeper and making the problem worse. This would also be a good time to bring up the fact that touching your face or resting your chin in your palm while you’re sitting at your desk can transfer bacteria from your hand onto your face, Dr. Downie adds.

A 2011 study into the antimicrobial, antioxidant, and proteasome proteins of Greek pollen, indicated that high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol in bee pollen may be responsible for its antimicrobial activity. Research in animal models suggests that bee pollen may have anti-inflammatory properties. Other animal-based research from 2010 indicated that bee pollen extract reduced inflammation in rats. In another study from the same year, mice with liver disease showed anti-inflammatory effects after consuming bee pollen. However, researchers need to carry out further studies to confirm whether these results apply in humans.

Many people have hemorrhoids but if they are the smallest of hemorrhoids and they present no symptoms they can go undetected for an entire lifetime. If you asked many of these people “what are hemorrhoids?” or “what causes hemorrhoids?” they might not even know what you were talking about. However others who have hemorrhoids endure a painful condition and may even go on to suffer from bleeding hemorrhoids which can be a frightening and embarrassing problem. If you are suffering the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids you are not alone as it is thought that some 50% of adults in the US will have this condition in their lifetime. Discover more information on

Treat the clot. When an external hemorrhoid forms a blood clot, the pain can be excruciating. If pain is tolerable and the clot has been present for longer than two days, apply home treatments for the symptoms while waiting for it to go away on its own. If the clot is more recent, the hemorrhoid can be surgically removed or the clot withdrawn from the vein in a minor office procedure performed by a surgeon.

Many people think of dandelion as a pesky weed. However, ancient Chinese and Middle Eastern medicine uses dandelion for its medicinal properties. Dandelion milk, or sap, is a traditional remedy for skin diseases like warts. A 2011 animal studyTrusted Source found that dandelion extract may support collagen production, decrease skin inflammation, and soothe irritation. A 2012 study also determined that dandelions have antimicrobial components. These properties may be useful for fighting warts, but more human research is needed. To try this method, break apart a dandelion and squeeze out the sticky white sap. Apply to the wart once or twice a day. Repeat for two weeks. Never use dandelions that have been sprayed with chemicals.

For over 20 years we have been the trusted leader in the natural products industry among consumers. With over 1,000,000 products sold worldwide – and counting – Healing Natural Oils continues to forge new healthy product innovations and take great strides in helping people switch to all natural, safe and effective products of the highest quality. Our skin is one big organ and it is constantly replacing old skin cells to make way for new cells. Should there be injury or trauma to that deep layer of skin (known as the dermis), the result is a rush to heal and renew the affected skin quickly. This is achieved by the body creating new collagen (a structural protein that gives skin its flexibility and support). At the same time, a scar will form – and it will look different to the rest of the skin – leaving a telltale sign of recent injury. Read extra information at